
Follow Friday

I can't believe it's Friday already! Welcome everyone.

Follow My Book Blog Friday is a weekly event hosted over at Parajunkee's View. It gives everyone a chance to get out there and mingle with other book bloggers (or find new-to-you book blogs).

This week's question is: What was your favorite school subject?

I'm going to cop out and say I didn't really have one. I loved school. It's easier to say which wasn't my favorite (Math). I really stunk at it. I had about a 3 week learning curve where the lightbulb would go on about 3 weeks after we'd taken the test. I ended up majoring in history when I went to college, so I guess that would probably rank pretty highly.


  1. HAHA I know what you mean Amber. And everyone looks at me like I'm insane when I say I actually liked math...but then it just got way too friggin hard and seemingly irrelevant to my life haha.

    Happy Friday! I'm your newest follower :)


  2. Thanks so much for stopping by! I liked math...right up until Algebra. The whole letters instead of numbers thing confused me. I never really recovered.

  3. Hey Amber! Stopping by via follow friady. I have agree with you, I despise math! LOL. I've always been an english girl at heart and that side of me recoils from the hard logic of math.

    I'm a new follower now. Take some time and stop by my blog when you have a minute and follow me back if you like!

    My Blog Hop

  4. I am terrible at math so I know what you mean! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm a new follower!

  5. Yep, I hated geometry. It was so stressful and I was just happy to pass the course. I'm a new follower and please feel free to visit me when you get a chance.


  6. I loved math. but I can say my most def hate is History! I cant ever remember all those dates. If I wasn't trying to graduate at the top of my class I would have deliberately failed it!

    I'm following you back. Thanks for following me.
