
2011 Reading Challenge Overview

I didn't meet my reading challenge goal of 115 books, but I don't think I did too badly this year. I read 103 books, including novellas and audio books and not including rereads. I also managed to read quite a few authors who were on my List of Shame.  Which resulted in a couple of backlist gloms.

For a reading goal this year, I think I'm going to stay at 115. And I'm going to try to whittle away some more at my LOS. Another goal is to read more mystery. I only read 7 books that are true mysteries.  12 if I count the Sci-Fi caper-ish books of Gail Carriger and the one steampunk mystery by George Mann. That's right around 10% of my reading, which is a little low. I'd like to be more balanced. And maybe sneak a non-fiction title in there, too.

I was able to take a few authors off of the List of Shame this year: Patricia Briggs, Larissa Ione, Gail Carriger, Nalini Singh and Ilona Andrews being the most noticeable ones. Of course, I have a few more authors to ADD to the list, too, including Julia Spencer Fleming.

How did your reading challenges go? Any goals for this year?

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